Author: Kaelan E.

Overbilling by lawyers, whether it is charging excessive fees or billing for work that was not actually done, is an unethical practice that can harm clients and damage the reputation of the legal profession.Lawyers are obligated to act in their clients’ best interests and to provide services at a reasonable cost. Charging clients excessively or billing for services that were not actually provided is a breach of that duty, and it can have serious consequences for clients. In some cases, clients may not even be aware that they have been overbilled, and they may not have the knowledge or resources…

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The Limitations Act is a critical piece of legislation that sets out the time limits for commencing legal actions in Canada. The Act aims to ensure that claims are brought forward in a timely manner, and that evidence remains fresh and available. However, when a party breaches the Limitations Act, the consequences can be severe.The consequences of breaching the Limitations Act mean that the plaintiff may lose their legal right to pursue the claim in court. The Niessners should have never been able to pursue any lawsuit in Saskatchewan.There was a contract executed between Richard Lunemann and Charles Niessner. Mr.…

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In Canadian law, fiduciary obligation refers to a relationship in which one party (the fiduciary) is responsible for looking after the best interests of another party (the beneficiary). In the Keeley Lake Lodge case, Bill Hood and his law firm were responsible for representing Tim Cimmer’s best interests in the legal battle with the Niessner family. However, Mr. Hood failed to take all necessary steps to ensure that Mr. Cimmer received the most appropriate legal representation possible. Mr. Hood was negligent in his duty to Mr. Cimmer because he failed to properly assess the case law applicable to the case.…

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The Keeley Lake Lodge case court hearing was held on April 28, 2023 @2:00pm at the Provincial Court in Saskatoon. I sat attentively, paying close attention to the proceedings. Timothy Cimmer was seated near the front with Grant Scharfstein, lawyer for the Niessners, seated to his right. Mr. Cimmer’s lawyer, Tony Merchant, joined via Webex. Around 1:52pm Mr. Cimmer spoke openly in the courtroom before the case proceeded. I listened in awe when Mr. Cimmer expressed some emotions regarding his parents and the whole community at keeley lake being majorly affected by this case. Mr. Cimmer described the situation as…

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Their due diligence process should be carefully evaluated to ensure it meets the standards of ethical practice.Lawyers have a duty of due diligence to ensure that facts are accurately represented and that no false or misleading statements are made on behalf of their clients.          In this case, it appears that Bill Hood did not meet his duty of due diligence to accurately represent Tim Cimmer. Bill Hood and Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP failed to take all necessary steps to ensure Tim Cimmer received the best legal representation possible. As a result, Tim Cimmer was not provided…

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Non-registered US Judgment Illegally Used in SaskatchewanHaving rules and regulations put into place for Government employees means they have rights to uphold when making decisions. This is exactly what Rohan Swaby, Manager for the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority failed to follow. Rohan Swaby, along with Laurie Jacobson, a Licensing Specialist for the SLGA accepted foreign documents resulting in falsified records to be filed with the SLGA. Ms. Jacobson enforced the Foreign Judgments Act without the proper authority to do so. The US judgement was never registered in Saskatchewan and without a doubt is not enforceable here.A letter sent to…

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Fraudulent, Erroneous, and False Reports Ignored by Ministry of JusticeThe neglect continues by authorities involving the Keeley Lake Lodge lawsuit filed by Charles and Madelyn Niessner against Tim Cimmer. A legal letter sent by Tim Cimmer and his lawyer, Tony Merchant to Councillor Donald Hobday was completely disregarded and no effort of contact was made to resolve the civil matter. Following are some main concerns and alleged fraudulent records on file written to Donald Hobday directly stated by Tony Merchant;However, at some point Mr. Niessner or Ms. Niessner made representations to the Director of Corporations or ISC to amend the…

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Trump Allegedly Falsifying Business Records, Made its Way to Canada An American couple following Trump’s lead with allegedly falsifying business records. No investigation has been launched following these accusations, although the proper authorities were informed. Falsifying business records rises to a crime when the “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” Under Canada’s law,“forgery is complete as soon as a document is made with the knowledge and intent.” Both laws are directly applicable to the story covered in this article involving an American couple. Their intent was to defraud…

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